Tuesday, April 20, 2010

as is and whenever it gets there....

today's been a long day of busrides and hiking and soon to be mowing... so instead of doing a bunch of individual posts... i'm throwing a folder in the file pile (www.mediafire.com/sharingisnotacrime - for those who don't know about it yet) called "as is"... and it'll be slowly getting filled up with all the great music i listened to on my adventures today... if you've noticed i usually file things with all the first letters from the post titles minus all the small words usually and an e for ep or a 7e and so on... so since i won't have time to label everything in the "as is" folder for a while, i am going to leave the uploader running while i mow the lawn... look in the "as is" folder for these files in you want'em... i'm doing no tagging or converting until later so they'll mostly be vo, 320s or whatever i got them as... but they'll be there soon and when they get there and that is about it.

the "as is" files
hood - the year of occasional lull (1998) ep
white stripes - white stripes (1999) ...the first one.
bonnie prince billy - black dissimulation (2k) 7"
evan miller - s/t ep
nick sundman - simple songs simple words (2010) free download at myspace.com/jaydashkay
v.a. - stars kill rock ....an awesome kill rock stars sampler
klimek - movies is magic (2k9)
dean and britta - sonic souveneirs (2k3) ep
will oldham - subpop singles club (1999) june '99 7"
coco rosie - lemonade (2010) 7"
tom waits - hold on (2k) ep
june of 44 - in the fishtank
black keys - brothers (2010)... i'll set this one to upload first since many are impatiently leeching it off my slsk which i'm about to crash with my vuze and all other programs to keep this upload strong... so sorry if i cut you off... that's why i sent out a notice to give you another option if needed... i'm not sure why anyone that is not on dial-up uses slsk... it's nice for rarities but for common stuff - people need to get with the program and learn to google.

long anxiety filled day with a lot of good music is about to be longer... the mowing of the massive lawn always calms me down though and fucks with my vision, making me hallucinate from the vibrations or fumes or something... should be fun. listen with an open mind. enjoy.


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